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Live simultaneous interpretation to multiple languages 

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at our main office in Poland and we will organise one of our Partners to manage your project.

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Live streaming of a live meeting onsite with multiple people.
Executive talks to staff during a hybrid meeting with simultaneous inerpretation
Simultaneous interpretation during a meeting with live streaming
Simulatenous Interpretation during Town Hall meeting

Our services include interpreters and rehearsals with recordings so you can review the event and provide feedback to your speakers prior to the live event. Our interpretation also allows you to choose where to stream your event and in what languages. You don't need to worry about the technical difficulties as we have it covered – from setting up streams to social media platforms and internal embedded players, all our services are tailored for multilingual events. If confidentiality is a priority, we can help you keep your event secure while streaming to a closed audience. 
Experience an unprecedented level of language support when streaming your online meetings or webinars with our live simultaneous interpreting service. With us, you can engage audiences all around the world with professional streaming solutions that meet all of their requirements  - from language options to systems compatibility. Take your events international today!

Live streaming with simultaneous interpretation from is the perfect solution for taking your online, onsite, or hybrid meetings and webinars to the next level.

Our professional live streaming services enable you to reach a global audience and foster business growth. 

Simultaneous interpretation has become an essential feature of modern communication, particularly during important events that have international participation or a diverse audience that speaks multiple languages. Whether you are hosting a conference, seminar, or providing vital information to a global market, simultaneous interpretation allows you to convey your message to all of your audience across language barriers. Not only does it showcase your dedication to inclusivity, but it also helps to bridge cultural divides and make your audience feel valued. Moreover, it can enhance the impact and effectiveness of your message, ensuring that it reaches its intended recipients, irrespective of their language, which is crucial when hosting an important event.

Unlock the Possibilities of Live Simultaneous Multi-language Streaming

Corporate live
streaming with
Simultaneous Interpretation.

Corporate Live STreaming with Simultaneous Interpretation
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Online and hybrid events with live translation

Captions for online and hybrid events

Translated captions for films

Sign Language

ISO recordings

Streaming with interpretation